Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Digest No.7 A School Election

"Oh no", Jimmy muttered under his breath. It was the last day for voting for the class president in 4th street school, and Jimmy was losing the election. He was looking at the voting boards in the school's office, and he was down by about 20 votes. Jimmy had to do something, but he couldn't think of what to do. But suddenly he thought of a plan..

It was the last period of school, and Jimmy, his opponent and the rest of the school were in the gymnasium. Jimmy and Leo (his competitor) were to do a speech, and the audience would give in their final votes. Leo finished his speech, and Jimmy was not feeling any better. He saw the crowd already filling in their vote cards. "...and now Jimmy will give his speech" said the principle. Jimmy did not hear it the first time, but his principle said it again much louder. Jimmy heard it loud and clear this time and he walked up to the mic in the middle of the stage.
Jimmy had his speech carefully planned. What he thought of doing was make the speech funny. So Jimmy launched into his speech, and when he was done, the audience was on the floor laughing! They all took out their vote cards, and they all wrote Jimmy's name. Jimmy put a smile on his face. He had no doubt now that he was going to win.

The very next day, Jimmy and Leo were called down to the office through the PA system. So after they went to the office, the secretary directed them into the principle's office. When Jimmy went in, his jaw dropped. The office was huge! There was a huge boom box on the far corner, there was an air hockey table right next to the principle's table, there was an ice-cream machine near a microwave oven on the principle's counter, and to top it off, he had an Xbox 360 and 2 wireless controllers right next to the door that leads into his room. Jimmy looked up, and he saw a huge 52 inch television perched on the wall. Jimmy couldn't believe what he was seeing, and he also looked at Leo for his reaction. He jaw was also dropped!

"Please take a seat, I have to discuss something with you" whispered the principle. Jimmy wondered why he was whispering, but he guessed it was to prevent disturbing the other classes. Jimmy took a seat, and he continued "Are you listening? Good, because I have something important to say. The staff and myself both counted the votes yesterday, and we came up with something rather unusual. Both of you got the same number of votes". At this point, Jimmy looked at Leo, and he was looking as surprised. The principle continued.

"So we have come up to a decision. Both of you are going to speak again to the school tomorrow, and the one with the better speech wins". Jimmy closed his eyes and thought for a minute. 'Yes, I have enough time to make a good speech. I will make it funny and good at the same time. That will surely get me an easy victory'. Jimmy smiled. He knew what to do. He just had to practise it...

The next day, Jimmy was in his homeroom class chatting with his friends. Then, the teacher walked in the class and sat down. She instructed the class to sit down, so Jimmy obeyed. Jimmy as just waiting for the lunch period, so he could make his speech and become class president. 4 hours later....

Jimmy, Leo, and everyone else in the school was in the gymnasium. They were all waiting for the principle to arrive. Then Jimmy and Leo would give their speeches and they would finally choose the class president.

"Jimmy, please give your speech" the principle called out, so Jimmy went to the centre of the stage and took the mic that the principle offered.

"Hey fellow students, how are you doing today"? Jimmy ratteled off with all the confidence he could muster. "GOOD!!", the crowd shouted back. So Jimmy talked for about 20 minutes, and then he bowed. Everyone cheered for Jimmy, and he walked off the stage. It was Leo's turn. Leo went to the centre of the stage and he stated a speech. At the end, everyone cheered for him too.

"Students, settle down. Thank you. Now, as you all now, these both wonderful boys gave wonderful speeches. But we could only pick one. But the problem is that the staff liked the boys equally. So we are going to tell the boys to say one thing they are going to do to help the school and the environment , and we will pick the best one" the principle said, gasping for breath because he said all that with only one.

'Fine then, it must be done' Jimmy thought, so he quickly started thinking of something to day. 'Wait' Jimmy thought, because he noticed something. Leo always used index cards when he was making speeches, so Jimmy thought of a very sly idea. He might just need to write something for Leo to say in front of all the student...

After Jimmy wrote a whole dialogue for Leo to recite, Jimmy finally found Leo. "Hey Leo, I just wanted to wish you good luck." Jimmy said slyly, and while they were chatting, Jimmy slowly slipped the index cards into Leo's pocket.

First, it was Leo's turn to say something. Leo put his hands into his pocket for his index card, but he ended up taking the one Jimmy wrote for him. He started off with a wave to the audience. Then, finally he started reading off the index card.

"Fellow students, if you choose me for your class president, I am going to enjoy my power and misuse it for my needs and not yours", said Leo proudly. At first, he looked like he had one an olympic gold medal. But that thought disappeared in a instant. The principle looked like a balloon that was going to explode any second. The students were taking out lunches and were getting ready to throw it on Leo. Leo now looked like he was going to faint because of what he just said.

"Wait, I didn't mean to say that..." Leo began, but the principle stopped him in the middle.

"Enough, you clearly are not eligable to be the class president. I am deeply sorry, but we all now know what your ambition was. Jimmy, you are the new class president!" the principle shrieked, and the crowd went wild with applause! Jimmy was the happiest kid in the world..

4 days later.... Jimmy was walking down the halls of the school when he saw Leo in detention. Jimmy asked him, and he replied"

"Everyone hates me now, even the teachers. So they give me detentions even when I do no wrong". 'I guess I have to admit my crime to the principle' Jimmy thought.

So after lunch, Jimmy went to the principle and confessed.

10 seconds later.... Jimmy was punished badly.

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