Sunday, November 15, 2009

Digest No.8 Kids and Stores..

It was a hot windy fall day when suddenly; "OUCH!", a small kid yelped in pain. Jonathan was a very aggressive boy. He was always looking for a new person to fight or pick on. So today, Jonathan's dad dropped off Jonathan to play. Right then, Jonathan saw a small kid playing in a sandbox.

'Easy kid to pick on' Jonathan thought, so he ran up to the kid and he kicked right in the shin. That's where our story begins, and Jonathan's dad saw in happen while he was spinning the minivan around. His dad ran up to the little boy and asked him whether he wanted anything. Then, he turned to look a Jonathan's face.

"Son, this has been happening for too long. So I am sorry, but I have to give you the special punishment". Jonathan looked completely baffled at his dad for a few moments, and then his dad's words came into effect. Jonathan approached the kid again and said sorry. Jonathan then ran to the jungle gym.

Another dad who happened to be walking by saw what happened, and he walked to Jonathan's dad, Terry.

"Excuse me for bothering you, but I just saw what happened. I have a son who is always driving me up the wall and what ever I tell him he never obeys. Or listens. Or looks at me. Or..never mind that. I just wanted to know what the punishment was." said another dad.

"Ok, this what you tell them.... Terry whispered in the other's dad's ear with a smile.

5 days later.... Terry was walking down the path that leaded to a pharmacy. He needed an ointment for his back because... never mind. As he was walking, he noticed and recognized a man who also happened to be walking to the pharmacy the other way. He remembered instantly. It was the man he met at the park 5 days ago. He walked up to him and he said:

"Hey, did the trick work?"
"Yep, it sure did". What better way to punish a boy that to take him to a clothing store for 5 hours?"

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