Thursday, October 15, 2009

Digest No.1 The Foolishness of the King

In the city of Grape Juice, the Grape police force chief had been very worried, because of recent robberies, and the problem was that he could not find the thief or even get any evidence of the thief. 'The thief is very cunning, so I have to wait for an opportunity to get him red-handed. "HELP", a city person cried out loud, and reluctantly, the Chief turned around. He saw a man run towards him, and he said in a huff "A robber just grabbed my wallet from my hand, and he took off. I did not see his features because he took of like lightning." "Why on Earth were you holding the wallet in your hand?" the chief asked him. The man did not answer. He just turned around and looked down at the ground in shame.
So after that incident, the chief remembered that he was to see the Mayor in 2 days and give a report on the thief. If he did not get the thief, he would be fired. He had all his men on the case for the next 2 days, and he looked into it as far as possible. He had no luck.
The chief look worried. He did not know what to say to the Mayor. He was in the city hall, and the Mayor (by the name of Fruit Punch) was sitting in front of him, and the Mayor did not look happy. The chief gave his report, and the Mayor yelled "YOU BUFFOON! YOU CANNOT EVEN GET A THIEF? A THIEF THAT IS WORKING ALONE!!!" " But Mayor, even you cannot get him, even if you get the whole city to look for him." the scared chief replied. "Oh ho, is that right? Then, tonight I will go on my own and get him by the night's over. I will have the thief in jail by the time the sun starts rising"

So when the sun went down completely behind the horizon, the Mayor stepped outside of the City Hall, and he walked to his car. Then, before he got in, he saw smoke coming up from the other side of the wall. 'The other side is forest area, so I better get my torch' he thought to himself. He told his guards to watch the City Hall, and then the Mayor walked to the other end of the wall. He turned, and then he saw a fire, and a man behind it. The Mayor assumed he was in his 20's. So, with watching the man the whole time, he walked up to him, and the Mayor asked "Who are you"? The man replied "I am a man who feeds a thief who comes here. I do it because he pays me a lot".
"Will you help me catch the thief tonight when he comes"? the Mayor asked. "Sure, but take off you jewellery and keep it beside me so he will not steal it" the man replied. 'That is a good idea' the Mayor thought, so he removed his solid gold necklace and his solid gold ring (that his wife bought him) and he gave it to the man.

So, they sat for a long time, and then the Mayor asked him "why is the thief not coming"? the mayor asked. "He probably is scared coming because I am with another man, so why don't you hide so he does not see you" the man replied quickly. "But where do I hide" the mayor asked. The man pointed to a sack that was beside the roaring fire. "But on a second thought, that will be really stuffy..." the Man could not finish. The Mayor already was half in the bag, and all he needed to to now was to conceal his head. So the Mayor told the man "well, tie me up from the top so he will not see my head." So the man tied up the bad nicely, and then the man, with the Mayor's jewels, ran off into the wilderness.

The Mayor waited in there for two hours, and then he called out " Hello, anybody there"? The Mayor then new he had been cheated. Then, the Mayor's guards were getting worried, so they went looking for him. Then, they found him in a sack, so they untied him, and the Mayor said "not a word about this, to ANYONE" and the guards nodded their heads.

A few days later, the chief of Grape Juice police found and captured the thief, and then the Mayor rewarded him for capturing him.

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