Friday, October 16, 2009

Digest No.2 A Bad Cavity (Short Comedy)

"OW!!!" exclaimed Big Head. He was playing at his friend's house, (and as you can guess, his friend's name is Small Head) and every time he opened his mouth to say something his mouth hurt because he had a very bad cavity. His friend Small Head said "why don't you tell your parents and go to a dentist? They fixed my cavity and it did not hurt a bit". "Fine, but if you eat all those awesome cookies your Mom made for both of us, I will destroy you!" Big Head shouted, and then he left the room.

A couple hours later, Big Head's Dad drove Big Head to the dentist. Then, when it was finally his turn, he went in the room. The dentist, by the name of White Teeth, took out a torch from his pocket, and he told Big Head to sit down. After Big Head Sat, White Teeth stepped towards Big Head, he leaned over, he took a few steps closer, and... "OW"! exclaimed Big Head.

"My good sir, this is a torch, not a drill, and I haven't touched yet, so why on Earth are you yelling in pain"? "Because, you delinquent, you are standing on my feet!" shouted Big Head angrily. "Oh", said the ashamed dentist, and he stepped back a little, and a few minutes later, Big Head got his cavity filled, and he was charged extra for calling the dentist a delinquent, even if it was for a good reason! Just his Luck!

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