Friday, October 23, 2009

Digest No.5 The Pickpocket

One fine summer day, Alexander was walking down to the subway station. He reached an intersection before the subway station, so he was going to cross, put he heard a man shout "HELP! A pickpocket stole my wallet!

Alexander ran to the man and asked him in which direction the pickpocket went. "The pickpocket went that way", and he pointed at the stairs which take you underground to the subway. Alexander ran to the subway station and he saw a slim man, about in his 40's, and he was slipping a wallet into his pocket.

"THIEF", Alexander shouted and ran towards him. The man ran off into a subway train. Alexander also followed him into the subway train. He found the man but he could not get to him because there was a huge crowd in between. Then, Alexander thought of an idea.

Alexander shouted "First one who pins that man down will find a check for a million dollars in his pocket!" As Alexander thought, the greedy would strike. Everyone in between Alexander and the man circled the man, and they all jumped on the man. One of the men who was pinning the man down shouted "I found a wallet!" "I found another wallet!" shouted a woman. "I found 3 wallets in his coat!" "NO!!!!" shouted the pickpocket.

After Alexander then explained to the people that he was a pickpocket, they all got off on the next stop, and they sent the wallets to the respective owners. Before Alexander slept that night, he thought of the moral of this whole 'episode', and that is: Always put your wallet in your underwear before you leave the house!

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