Monday, October 19, 2009

Digest No.3 A Stich In Time Saves Nine

On one cold Winter day, Rajesh was late. He had to go the bank every day at 4:00 o'clock in the morning for his shift, and he accidentally knocked down his alarm clock with his hand because he normally moves a lot when he sleeps. So he ran to the front door, got his winter jacket from the coat rack, and he ran outside. Then, he ran back in because he forgot his car keys. So after he got them, he set off to the bank in a hurry.

Rajesh's boss was worried more than he was angry. 'Rajesh is never late, I wonder wha....' he could not finish his thought because he then the bank door opening and then he saw one man holding a gun. The man said in a very gruff voice "NOBODY MOVE! TELL ME THE COMBINATION OF THE SAFE AND I WILL TAKE THE MONEY IN PEACE!" The boss had no choice. He walked towards the safe.

Rajesh parked his car in the parking lot in a hurry, he rushed towards the front door and he pushed open the door. He was about to say 'Sorry I am so late boss', but he tripped on his shoe lace and he fell down on top of the man with the gun. The gun fell down and the boss swept down to his feet and got it. One of the hostages called 911 and the police arrived seconds later. Then, when they saw Rajesh on top of the man, they thought he tackled him on his own, so they lifted him up, and one of the policemen said "Without you everyone of the hostages might have been killed, so we will send you a nice big reward sometime of the week."

Rajesh was still dazed when the policeman was talking, so he heard it as "You fool, how dare you do my job for me??!! Taste the fury of my Kung Fu moves!!!" So Rajesh fainted and an ambulance came to pick him up a minute later. Then, 1 week later, Rajesh checked his mail and he got a nice big reward for his bravery. Rajesh will never know why...

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