Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Digest No.4 A Truth Between Lies

"Please watch over my business with care. Make sure all the profits goes to my bank account. I will give you 20 percent of the profit after I come back from Paris", said Daniel, who was taking papers from his desk and stuffing it all into his briefcase. He was going to Paris, France for some business, and he was entrusting his friend his business and his profits with his friend while he was gone. "OK, I will keep your business going strong", said his friend Michael with full sincerity.

One week had gone by, and Daniel came back from his trip from Paris. He went straight to his office and when he went there, he saw a note on his desk. He picked it up, and he read it:
Dear Daniel,
I hope your trip to Paris was good. I have cleaned your office and I have stacked the new requests from other people on the bottom-right drawer of the desk. I am at home right now, so you can meet me any time you want.

So Daniel sat down on his desk and he checked his mail and his profits on his computer. He typed his bank account number as his login password to access his computer, but the computer did not let him log in. It said incorrect password. So he took out his laptop and checked his profits from there. He had no money left in his bank. His friend stole all his money and put it in his own account. So Daniel called his friend, and as soon as Daniel brought the matter up, his friend Michael hung up the phone immediately. 'He cheated me and stole my money, I should have never trusted him' Daniel thought furiously. So Daniel called Michael again, Michael did not pick up. But Daniel expected this to happen, so he decided to take this matter to court.

5 Days later, Daniel and Michael were sitting in front of the judge and none of them were happy. Daniel wanted his money, Michael wanted the money for himself, and the judge just wanted to go home and sleep for the rest of his life. So the judge shouted 'SILENCE', and he banged his gabel on the large ornate table in front of him. "Now, Daniel, it seems you have filed a case against Michael for stealing your money while you were on a business trip" said the judge solemnly. "Yes, that is correct your honour" said Daniel. So after arguing for 2 hours straight, the judge came up with a plan to tell who was the true owner of the money.

So the judge shouted "KEEP QUIET, OR I WILL HOSE YOU ALL DOWN WITH CHILLI SAUCE!, and that was it to keep them all quiet. Then, the judge spoke again "On one hundred dollar note, there was a secret code written on it, and so, only the true owner would know what the code is". Daniel was thinking 'What code is he talking about?', and Michael spoke "Ah yes, the code. I know it is there, but I forgot what the code was, ah, what was i... he could not finish his thought because the judge shouted "Seize Michael! He is the phony!", and before Michael could say French Fries, he was pined down to the ground by about 6 guards.

A month later, Daniel got his money back and Michael was never heard of again...

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